Yeukai M. (35)Verified
BEE Classification: Not South African
Gadget: Any Brand Any
Gadget Type: Laptop
Use it For: College
Charity or Youth Enabler: Other
Location: Johannesburg
I am currently doing my research project, which comprises my final year at St Augustine’s College. In my studies, I am facing challenges in doing my research. Currently, I do not have a laptop to use when I am studying. I did my assignments, and now I am doing my research through borrowing laptops and using library computers where possible. The situation has been worsened for the laptop I was offered more often is now broken down. This is a big challenge for me as it has slowed my progress and quality of the research and studies. I cannot afford to buy a laptop for myself because I have no source of income. Before, I was employed as a domestic worker. Now I am currently unemployed, since September 2019 when my employers migrated to the United Kingdom. During the time I had work, the wages I received were not enough for buying a laptop as most of it paid school fees and contributed to responsibilities at home. Getting help from Watchgadget me would help me move faster with research work and help me not only to complete of my studies, but also to improve the quality of my work so as to progress further in my academic career and building a stable professional career. Thank you so much for the opportunity of approaching you for assistance. For more information about me I refer you to my head of School and lecturer at St Augustine’s College, Professor Terry. Dear Ma’am / Sir REQUEST FOR HELP WITH A LAPTOP Yours faithfully Yeukai K. T. Mubika Student No.: 20280091