Our story
The story of WantedTech began with UCT and Stellenbosch 2nd year students. One evening when the internet a was down during load shedding - they discussed just how much they rely on their laptops to complete assignments, access the student portal and find internet resources . Even when the lights are out - they could continue to work in the safety and comfort of home. The idea that so many fellow students had no access to technology and very limited access to the internet was unimaginable. We realised that the barrier to a good life is the cost of a working gadget and some data. This problem needed to be solved ..... The idea for WantedTech was born !

Tech For All
The idea for WantedTech was born: “To break the cycle of poverty, one gadget at a time!”
WantedTech is not for profit – it is a social enterprise enabling a student to request a functional gadget from a donor who has a gently used quality laptop or tablet to share.
Access to online information is a game changer! We aim to provide this access one gadget at a time.
Our Goals
It is our sincere intent to break the cycle of poverty one gadget at a time, through a trustworthy platform, where quality, functional gadgets can be shared safely. Where no money changes hands, and there is no middleman.