Nokulunga Siphesihle M. (4)
BEE Classification: Black
Gadget: Any Brand HP
Gadget Type: Laptop
Use it For: School (Gr 11 or Matric)
Charity or Youth Enabler: One SA
Academic Institution: ITHAFA MST ACADEMY
Location: Johannesburg
I would really like to get the gadget because it will be more helpful to me and also my classmates. Since I am in grade 12 it would be very useful because I can apply using the laptop even my fellow classmates that do not have laptops will use the laptop to apply there wont be a need to go to libraries or cafe's to apply since we are having this pandemic(covid-19 . I would also appreciate if I get the gadget because it would be handy to me since next year I will be going to a higher institution it will be easier for me to do my researches, assignments and also projects I wont have to go to the libraries and spending more time there till late, I will just do them with the laptop. I will also use the laptop to help the other kids who do not have gadgets to help them with assignments and tasks they are assigned to do getting this gadget will really help me and my school mates who do not have technological gadgets to use when they have got projects and tasks to do. I would also be able to do my school work at home and since libraries are closed I will still be able to complete my school work without encountering any obstacles.