Ann d. (38)
BEE Classification: White
Gadget: Any Brand any
Gadget Type: Smartphone
Use it For: Small-to-Med Enterprise
Charity or Youth Enabler: Other
Location: Cape Town
Hi I am working with young people in Mfuleni, Khayelitsha, Philippi and surrounding neighbourhoods. We have 50 participants on our programme this year, and they have been really showing their commitment to their studies and preparation to gearing up for work. During COVID19 they have been working from home, and 5 of them do not have phones. They borrow friends and family member phones, but that means that they cannot do as much work as we would like them to, and some feel they are falling behind. We are therefore looking to give these 5 people phones so that they can complete the final month and Afrika Tikkun can place them into jobs. Would it be possible to acquire 5 phones which we could then distribute? Warm regards Ann