Sirlance B. (30)Verified
BEE Classification: Coloured
Gadget: Any Brand Any model (2019)
Gadget Type: Smartphone
Use it For: Find a job
Charity or Youth Enabler: Harambee
Location: Cape Town
Good day. My name is Sirlance Booysen. I am a 25 old young unemployed single mother I have been struggling to find work and it is hard because with the way technology is taking over how we apply for work and the fact that you have to do all these things online is hard if you do not the resources which is a mobile device or laptop you won't be able to seize the opportunities that are available. In my family at the moment no one is earning money except for my grandmother who gets a old age pension. I have 2 brothers aged 15 and 9 my brother of 15 has down syndrome and my younger brother suffers from epilepsy so the need for me is very so that I can support myself and my family. Thank you for this opportunity that you have provided.